Colombia – Excelsor Decaf – Single Origin Coffee


City + Roast.

Made from naturally low caffeine top quality Arabica beans.

Decaffeinated using the Sugar Cane Ethyl Acetate Decaffeination process.

Available in 250g and 1kg pouches.


The Sugar Cane Ethyl Acetate Decaffeination process is a natural and eco-friendly method used to decaffeinate coffee. It is also known as the “natural decaffeination process” because it uses ethyl acetate, a naturally occurring compound derived from sugar cane and fruit.

Steps in the Process:

  1. Steaming the Coffee Beans:
    • Green coffee beans are first moistened with water and steam to swell them and open their pores, making the caffeine more accessible for extraction.
  2. Ethyl Acetate Application:
    • The beans are washed with ethyl acetate, which selectively binds to caffeine molecules. Ethyl acetate is a naturally occurring solvent, giving this process a “natural” label.
  3. Extraction of Caffeine:
    • Multiple cycles of ethyl acetate washing are performed to ensure thorough caffeine removal.
  4. Rinsing:
    • After the caffeine is extracted, the beans are thoroughly rinsed with water to remove any residual ethyl acetate.
  5. Drying:
    • The beans are dried to their original moisture content, restoring their readiness for roasting.

Key Features:

  • Natural Solvent: Ethyl acetate is derived from sugar cane, making it an appealing choice for consumers looking for a natural decaffeination process.
  • Gentle on Flavor: This method helps preserve the coffee’s flavor and aroma because it uses a mild solvent and a relatively low temperature.
  • Regulated Residue Levels: Any remaining ethyl acetate is considered safe, as it naturally evaporates during processing.


  • Eco-friendly: Uses renewable resources like sugar cane.
  • Mild Processing: Preserves the coffee’s inherent taste and quality better than harsher chemical processes.


  • Trace Residues: While the process is designed to leave minimal solvent residues, some consumers prefer completely solvent-free methods.
  • Flavor Profile: The process may slightly alter the coffee’s flavor, depending on the bean type and processing conditions.

This method is popular in regions where sugar cane is readily available and is particularly appealing for those who prefer a “natural” label on their decaffeinated coffee.

Additional information

Pouch Size

250g, Bulk – 1kg


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